T a b l e w a r e L o o k o n t h e B r i g h t s i d e
Superior Stoneware Superior Stoneware ALGARVE MARINE
Algarve Marine Winged Plate
CT9285 8.5” (22cm) Box of 6
Algarve Marine Winged Plate
CT9284 11 28cm Box of 6
A dappled rich blue over a
warm brown ground give
a stylish casual feel to this
capsule collection. Algarve
is also available in a light
Oyster f inish, see P. 151
Algarve Marine Bowl
CT9286 85 22cm Box of 6
Algarve Marine Bowl
CT9287 625 16cm Box of 6
Algarve Marine Bowl
CT9288 475 12cm Box of 6
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